
Preserve Vistoso Pulse
Apr 27, 2023
Help Eliminate Stinknet
Stinknet is a noxious and highly invasive weed that spreads quickly, destroys native plants
April 27, 2023—Please be on the lookout for Stinknet, a noxious and highly invasive weed that spreads quickly, destroys native plants, and can cause skin rash and problems for those with allergies. It degrades natural areas as it crowds out other desirable plants.
Stinknet already has been spotted in our Nature Preserve and you can view those locations on If you spot this plant in Vistoso Trails or in your neighborhood, please send an email with location information to Oro Valley Parks and Rec at

There are several resources with information about Stinknet, including information from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, "Stinknet: a Weed Advancing in Southern Arizona".
Also available is an article in the Arizona Daily Star by Henry Brean "Weed warriors take aim at Tucson's largest stinknet outbreak so far."
Tucson Audubon has launched a website, to help us understand the threat of this invasive plant.
An article titled "We Don't Need No Stinking Stinknet" by Tony Figueroa, Tucson Audubon Invasive Plant Manager, describes how the plant can cause skin and respiratory issues and also become a fire risk.
Thanks for your help keeping our Nature Preserve safe!